Install an SSL on a Windows Server

Install an SSL on a Windows Server.

Import the PFX file – 

Note that the below steps are applicable on IIS servers. For the Exchange server, please use the following guidelines.

Once done, you can proceed with importing the PFX file to your Windows server:

Double-click the file to open the certificate import wizard or right-click on the file and select “Install PFX”.







Select Local Machine to make the certificate accessible from all of the accounts in the system. Then, click Next.

In the following prompt, click Next once again to confirm the file location.

Enter the password you set for the PFX file. Make sure to tick off the “Mark this key as exportable” option, so that the Private Key can be exported later.

Important note: If the provided password is incorrect or lost, feel free to re-generate a new .pfx file.


In the next prompt, you can choose the automatic option to let the Certificate Import Wizard take care of it. Click Next to proceed.

Then, click Finish to confirm the certificate import.
The following window should appear after that:
The certificate will also be displayed in the IIS console (PC Name >> Server Certificates):
The certificate will not have the “Name” parameter. Instead, it will display the domain name of the website as its name during the binding process. It is advisable to remove old certificates from the console to avoid confusion.

Install the certificate
To enable the certificate for your domain, you should set up certificate bindings. The installation should be straightforward from this point. Here are the guides outlining the procedure for every IIS version available:

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